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University Officers



Triantafyllos A.D. Albanis

Triantafyllos A.D. Albanis
Professor, Department of Chemistry

Tel.: +30 26510 07446 , 26510-07319
Fax: +30 26510 07200

Georgios Kapsalis  - Vice-Rector

Georgios D. Kapsalis
Professor, Department of Primary School Education

Tel.: +30 26510 07447 , 26510-07448
Fax: +30 26510 07200

Isaac E. Lagaris - Vice-Rector

Isaac E. Lagaris
Professor, Department of Computer Science

Tel.: +30 26510 07997 , 26510-07176
Fax: +30 26510 07200

Venetsanos Mavreas - Vice-Rector

Venetsanos G. Mavreas
Professor, School of Medicine

Tel.: +30 26510 07418 , 26510-07525
Fax: +30 26510 07200


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