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2004, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 5-14
Contributions of Educational Research to
the Practice of Chemistry Education
General issues of science/chemistry education
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John K. GILBERT,1 Rosária JUSTI,2 Jan H. VAN DRIEL,3
Onno DE JONG,4 and David F. TREAGUST5
1 The University of Reading, Institute of Education (UK)
2 University of Minas Gerais, Department of Chemistry (Brazil)
3 Leiden University, ICLON Graduate School of Education
(The Netherlands)
4 Utrecht University, Centre for Science and Mathematics Education
(The Netherlands)
5 Curtin University of Technology, National Key Centre for
School Science and Mathematics (Australia)


ABSTRACT: The ideas of chemistry are not getting the attention they deserve in either formal or informal educational provision. It is argued that an improvement in this position requires the further development of the nature and quality of chemical education in the light of research. An established typology of research is used to show that the range of types of chemical education research that has been conducted is too narrow to support this development. There is evidence that even existing research has too little impact on the practice of chemical education. A second typology is used to discuss the range of levels and forms of impact. Finally, it is argued that education through, with, and about chemical education research is needed in the professional development of chemistry teachers, if these situations are to improve and chemical education is to face a brighter future. [Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.: 2004, 5, 5-14]

KEY WORDS: research typology; research-use typology; professional development

CORRESPONDENCE: John K. GILBERT, Institute of Education, The University of Reading, Bulmershe Court Earley, Reading RG6 1HY, UK; fax: (0)118-931-8650; e-mail: j.k.gilbert@reading.ac.uk



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