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2004, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 3-4
Contributions of Educational Research to
the Practice of Chemistry Education
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University of Ioannina, Department of Chemistry


EXCERPTS: Educational research has or should have as one of its major goals, the improvement of education. … “Chemical education research should (seek to generate) insights and information on the basis of which informed decisions can be taken about major aspects of the teaching of chemistry. …” (Kempa).

(According to Herron & Nurrenburn) chemistry education research focuses on “understanding and improving chemistry learning” by studying variables relating to “chemistry content” or to “what the teacher or student does in a learning environment.” … Research has provided us with the tools “to harmonise a logical approach to our subject with a psychological approach to the teaching of our subject …” (Johnstone) …(while) “… the way chemistry content is structured will become increasingly important” (Gabel).

“Despite the enormous growth of science education research during recent decades, its impact on the practice of science education has remained relatively low” (Kempa). Gabel … noted that “the changes that have occurred in textbooks during the past four decades have not been driven to any great extent by research findings”. Remarkable is the ignorance on the part of practitioners of “the findings from science education research and/or their willingness to take cognizance of them in the design and organization of their teaching strategies and procedures … A key to achieving the foregoing is to bring researcher and practitioner closer together …” (Costa et al.).

Educational researchers, as well as educational and practitioners’ journals should pay more attention to connecting research and practice … Taber has developed materials that aim to help teachers to “diagnose and cure” students’ alternative conceptions. Gilbert et al. have put together findings of educational research that contribute to “research-based practice”.

This Journal publishes work arising from both quality educational research and research-informed practice. The authors are both established and new educational researchers. Furthermore, starting with this Issue, there will be an invited special section containing Contributions of Educational Research to the Practice of Chemistry Education. Our aim has been to have distinguished chemistry education researchers giving accounts/reviews of their work, emphasising the implications and impact of that work on the practice of chemistry education. Priority is given to researchers who have not published in CERAPIE/CERP. Two such contributions appear in this Issue, and more are expected to be published in the future.

In the first paper, John K. Gilbert, Rosária Justi, Jan H. Van Driel, Onno De Jong, and David F. Treagust argue that for the ideas of chemistry to get the attention they deserve in education, further development is needed of the nature and quality of chemical education in the light of research. … In the second paper, Marykay Orgill and George Bodner examine the role of analogies in chemistry teaching. …


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