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2002, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 381-382
VOLUME 3, 2002
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Ahtee,M. (with T. Asunta & H. Palm). Student teachers' problems in teaching 'electrolysis' with a key demonstration: (3) 317-326.

Asunta, T. (with M. Ahtee & H. Palm). Student teachers' problems in teaching 'electrolysis' with a key demonstration: (3) 317-326.

Azcona, R. (with C. Furio and Y.J.Guisasola). The learning and teaching of the concepts 'amount of substance' and 'mole'. A review of the literature: (3) 277-292.

Barbarossou, K. (with I.P. Gerothanasis, A. Troganis, & . V. Exarchou). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: Basic principles and phenomena, and their applications to chemistry, biology and medicine: (2) 229-252.

Barke, H.-D. (with H. Wirbs). Structural units and chemical formulae: (2) 185-200.

Childs, P.E. Securing the future of chemistry: A case study of developments in chemical education in Ireland: (3) 361-369.

Coll, R.K. (with J. Dalgety). The development of the chemistry attitudes and experiences questionnaire (CAEQ): (1) 19-32.

Coll, R.K. (with N. Taylor). Mental models in chemistry: Senior chemistry students' mental models of chemical bonding: (2) 175-184.

Coll, R.K. (with N. Taylor). Pre-service primary teachers' mental models of kinetic theory: (3) 293-315.

Consta, S. (with R. Kapral). Classical and quantum chemical rate constants in condensed phases: (2) 253-268.

Dalgety, J. (with R.K. Coll). The development of the chemistry attitudes and experiences questionnaire (CAEQ): (1) 19-32.

Eilks, I. Teaching Biodiesel: A sociocritical and problem-oriented approach to chemistry teaching, and students' first views on it: (1) 77-85.

Exarchou, V. (with I.P. Gerothanasis, A. Troganis, & K. Barbarossou). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: Basic principles and phenomena, and their applications to chemistry, biology and medicine: (2) 229-252.

Furio, C. (with R. Azcona, and Y.J.Guisasola). The learning and teaching of the concepts 'amount of substance' and 'mole'. A review of the literature: (3) 277-292.

Gerothanasis, I.P. (with A. Troganis, V. Exarchou, & K. Barbarossou). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: Basic principles and phenomena, and their applications to chemistry, biology and medicine: (2) 229-252.

Goodwin, A. Teachers' continuing learning of chemistry: Some implications for science teaching: (3) 345-359.

Guisasola, Y.J. (with C. Furio, &. R. Azcona). The learning and teaching of the concepts 'amount of substance' and 'mole'. A review of the literature: (3) 277-292.

Kampouris, K. (with A.L. Petrou, & M. Roulia). The use of the Arrhenius equation in the study of deterioration and of cooking of foods - Some scientific and pedagogic aspects: (1) 87-97.

Kapral, R. (with S. Consta). Classical and quantum chemical rate constants in condensed phases: (2) 253-268.

Karafiloglou, P. Understanding delocalization and hyperconjugation in terms of (covalent and ionic) resonance structures: (2) 119-127.

Kempa, R. Research and research utilization in chemical education: (3) 327-343.

Kousathana, M. (with G. Tsaparlis). Students' errors in solving numerical chemical-equilibrium problems: (1) 5-17.

Laszlo, P. Describing reactivity with structural formulas, or when push comes to shove: (2) 113-118.

Moore, J.W. Technology and tragedy (Guest Editorial): (1) 3-4. Moulay, S. The most well-known rearrangements in organic chemistry at hand: (1) 33-64.

Nelson, P.G. Teaching chemistry progressively: From substances, to atoms and molecules, to electrons and nuclei: (2) 215-228.

Papahotis, G. (with G. Tsaparlis). Quantum-chemical concepts: Are they suitable for secondary students?: (2) 129-144.

Petrou, A.L. (with M. Roulia, & K. Kampouris). The use of the Arrhenius equation in the study of deterioration and of cooking of foods - Some scientific and pedagogic aspects: (1) 87-97.

Reid, N. (with G. Sirhan). An approach in supporting university chemistry teaching: (1) 65-75.

Roulia, M. (with A.L. Petrou, & K. Kampouris). The use of the Arrhenius equation in the study of deterioration and of cooking of foods - Some scientific and pedagogic aspects: (1) 87-97.

Sirhan, G. (with N. Reid). An approach in supporting university chemistry teaching: (1) 65-75.

Taber, K.S. Conceptualizing quanta - Illuminating the ground state of student understanding of atomic orbitals: (2) 145-158.

Taber, K.S. Compounding quanta - Probing the frontiers of student understanding of molecular orbitals: (2) 159-173,

Taylor, N (with R.K. Coll). Mental models in chemistry: Senior chemistry students' mental models of chemical bonding: (2) 175-184.

Troganis, A. (with I. P. Gerothanasis, V. Exarchou, & K. Barbarossou). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: Basic principles and phenomena, and their applications to chemistry, biology and medicine: (2) 229-252.

Tsaparlis, G. (with M. Kousathana). Students' errors in solving numerical chemical-equilibrium problems: (1) 5-17.

Tsaparlis, G. Preface (to Theme Issue 2 on Structural Concepts): (2) 107-112.

Tsaparlis, G. (with G. Papaphotis). Quantum-chemical concepts: Are they suitable for secondary students?: (2) 129-144.

Van Driel, J.H. Students' corpuscular conceptions in the context of chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics: (2) 201-213.

Wirbs, H. (with H.-D.Barke). Structural units and chemical formulae: (2) 185-200.



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