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2000, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 417-420
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Ambusaidi, A. (with A.H. Johnstone). Fixed response: What are we testing?: (3) 323-328.

Bargellini, A. Towards a school of specialization for chemistry teachers in Italy: The Tuscan experience: (2) 303-311.

Barke, H.-D. (with C. Hilbing).
An idea of science: Attitudes towards chemistry and chemical education expressed by artistic paintings: (3) 365-374.

Barnea, N. (with Y.J. Dori).
Computerized molecular modeling - The new technology for enhancing model perception among chemistry educators and learners: (1) 109-120.

Bojovic, S. (with D. Sisovic).
On the use of concept maps at different stages of chemistry teaching: (1) 135-144.

Bojovic, S. (with D. Sisovic).
Approaching the concepts of acids and bases by cooperative learning: (2) 263-275.

Cachapuz, A. (with M.F. Paixao). Mass conservation in chemical reactions: The development of an innovative teaching strategy based on the history and philosophy of science: (2) 201-215.

Cardellini, L.
Ionic equilibrium calculations: A problem solving approach: (1) 151-160.

Cardinali, M.E. (with C. Giomini, G. Marrosu, & A. Paolucci).
Gaseous equilibria: Some overlooked aspects: (1) 145-149.

Costa, N. (with L. Marques, & R. Kempa).
Science teachers' awareness of findings from education research: (1) 31-36.

de Jong, O. (with H.-J. Schmidt, & U. Zoller). Quality criteria for research papers on science education: How can they be used to improve manuscripts submitted for publication?: (1) 27-30.

de Jong, O.
How to teach the concept of heat of reaction: A study of prospective teachers' initial ideas: (1) 91-96.

Dias, M.H. (with M.A. Pedrosa).
Water in context: Many meanings for the same word: (1) 97-107.

Dias, M.H. (with M.A. Pedrosa).
Chemistry textbook approaches to chemical equilibrium and student alternative conceptions: (2) 227-236.

Dori, Y.J. (with N.Barnea).
Computerized molecular modeling - The new technology for enhancing model perception among chemistry educators and learners: (1) 109-120.

Dumon, A. (with A. Laugier).
Travaux pratiques en chimie et representation de la reaction chimique par l'equation-bilan dans les registres macroscopique et microscopique: Une etude en classe de seconde (15 -16 ans): (1) 61-75.

Georgiadou, A. (with G. Tsaparlis). Chemistry teaching in lower secondary school with methods based on: a) psychological theories; b) the macro, representational, and submicro levels of chemistry: (2) 217-226.

Giomini, C. (with G. Marrosu, M.E. Cardinali, & A. Paolucci).
Gaseous equilibria: Some overlooked aspects: (1) 145-149.

Goodwin, A.
The teaching of chemistry: Who is the learner?: (1) 51-60.

Hadjiantoniou-Maroulis, C.P. (with A.J. Maroulis). The chemistry of photography in full daylight: (1) 175-177.

Hilbing, C. (with H.-D. Barke). An idea of science: Attitudes towards chemistry and chemical education expressed by artistic paintings: (3) 365-374.

Johnson, P. Developing students' understanding of chemical change: What should we be teaching?: (1) 77-90.

Johnstone, A.H.
Teaching of chemistry - Logical or psychological?: (1) 9-15.

Johnstone, A.H. (with A. Ambusaidi).
Fixed response: What are we testing?: (3) 323-328.

Kampourakis, K. (with G. Tsaparlis). An integrated physical-science (physics and chemistry) introduction for lower-secondary level (grade 7): (2) 281-294.

Kempa, R. (with N. Costa & L. Marques).
Science teachers' awareness of findings from education research: (1) 31-36.

Kotschy, A. (with L. Szepes & G. Vass). Updated inorganic and organometallic laboratory course for junior chemistry students: (1) 179-182.

Laugier, A. (with A. Dumon). Travaux pratiques en chimie et representation de la reaction chimique par l'equation-bilan dans les registres macroscopique et microscopique: Une etude en classe de seconde (15 -16 ans): (1) 61-75.

Leontidis, E. (with C.R. Theocharis).
A new chemistry curriculum in a newly founded university: Design under constraints: (2) 295-302.

Maroulis, A.J. (with C.P. Hadjiantoniou-Maroulis). The chemistry of photography in full daylight: (1) 175-177.

Marques, L. (with N. Costa & R. Kempa). Science teachers' awareness of findings from education research.: (1) 31-36.

Marrosu, G. (with C. Giomini, M.E. Cardinali, & A. Paolucci). Gaseous equilibria: Some overlooked aspects.: (1) 145-149.

Niaz, M. (with M. A. Rodriguez). Teaching chemistry as rhetoric of conclusions or heuristic principles -A history and philosophy of science perspective: (3) 315-322.

Paixao, M.F. (with A. Cachapuz). Mass conservation in chemical reactions: The development of an innovative teaching strategy based on the history and philosophy of science: (2) 201-215.

Paolucci, A. (with C. Giomini, G. Marrosu, & M.E. Cardinali). Gaseous equilibria: Some overlooked aspects.: (1) 145-149.

Papageorgiou, G. (with D. Sakka).
Primary school teachers' views on fundamental chemical concepts: (2) 237-247.

Pedrosa, M.A. (with M.H. Diaz).
Water in context: Many meanings for the same word: (1) 97-107.

Pedrosa, M.A. (with M.H. Diaz).
Chemistry textbook approaches to chemical equilibrium and student alternative conceptions: (2) 227-236.

Ragkousis, A. Dyslexic students in chemistry classes: Their difficulties with chemical formulae: (2) 277-280.

Reid, N.
The presentation of chemistry logically driven or applications-led?: (3) 381-392.

Rodriguez, M.A. (with M. Niaz).
Teaching chemistry as rhetoric of conclusions or heuristic principles - A history and philosophy of science perspective: (3) 315-322.

Sakka, D. (with G. Papageorgiou).
Primary school teachers' views on fundamental chemical concepts: (2) 237-247.

Schmidt, H.-J.
Should chemistry lessons be more intellectually challenging?: (1) 17-26.

Schmidt, H.-J. (with O. de Jong, & U. Zoller).
Quality criteria for research papers on science education: How can they be used to improve manuscripts submitted for publication?: (1) 27-30.

Sigalas, M.P. (with C. Tzougraki, G. Tsaparlis, & N. Spyrellis).
'Chemical Education and New Educational Technologies': An inter-university programmme for graduate studies: (3) 405-410.

Sisovic, D. (with S. Bojovic).
On the use of concept maps at different stages of chemistry teaching: (1) 135-144.

Sisovic, D. (with S. Bojovic).
Approaching the concepts of acids and bases by cooperative learning: (2) 263-275.

Spyrellis, N. (with C. Tzougraki, M.P. Sigalas, & G. Tsaparlis).
'Chemical Education and New Educational Technologies': An inter-university programmme for graduate studies: (3) 405-410.

Stamovlasis, D. (with G. Tsaparlis).
Non-linear analysis of effect of working-memory capacity on organic-synthesis problem-solving: (3) 375-380.

Stamovlasis, D.
Teaching chemometrics with photography experiments in a university-level course on experimental design: (3) 393-399.

Szepes, L. (with A. Kotschy, & G. Vass).
Updated inorganic and organometallic laboratory course for junior chemistry students: (1) 179-182.

Taber, K.S. (with M. Watts). Learners' explanations for chemical phenomena: (3) 329-353.

Theocharis, C.R. (with E. Leontidis).
A new chemistry curriculum in a newly founded university: Design under constraints: (2) 295-302.

Tsaparlis, G.
Introducing CERAPIE (Editorial): (1) 1-3.

Tsaparlis, G.
Chemistry and science education versus education: A top-down and bottom-up relation (Editorial): (1) 5-7.

Tsaparlis, G. (with E. Zarotiadou).
Teaching lower-secondary chemistry with a piagetian constructivist and an ausbelian meaningful-receptive method: A longitudinal comparison: (1) 37-50.

Tsaparlis, G.
The states-of-matter approach (SOMA) to introductory chemistry: (1) 161-168.

Tsaparlis, G.
The quality of CERAPIE: Aiming to strike a balance (Editorial): (2) 187-188.

Tsaparlis, G. (with A. Georgiadou).
Chemistry teaching in lower secondary school with methods based on: a) psychological theories; b) the macro, representational, and submicro levels of chemistry: (2) 217-226.

Tsaparlis, G. (with K. Kampourakis).
An integrated physical-science (physics and chemistry) introduction for lower-secondary level (grade 7): (2) 281-294.

Tsaparlis, G.
CERAPIE and the EC(RI)CEs (Editorial): (3) 313-314.

Tsaparlis, G. (with D. Satmovlasis).
Non-linear analysis of effect of working-memory capacity on organic-synthesis problem-solving: (3) 375-380.

Tsaparlis, G. (with C. Tzougraki, M.P. Sigalas, & N. Spyrellis).
'Chemical Education and New Educational Technologies': An inter-university programmme for graduate studies: (3) 405-410.

Tzougraki, C. (with M.P. Sigalas, G. Tsaparlis, & N. Spyrellis).
'Chemical Education and New Educational Technologies': An inter-university programmme for graduate studies: (3) 405-410.

Valanides, N. Primary student teachers' understanding of the particulate nature of matter and its transformations during dissolving: (2) 249-262.

Valanides, N.
Primary student teachers' understanding of the process and effects of distillation: (3) 355-364

Varjola, I.
Use of the Internet in the teaching of chemistry in Finnish schools: A case study.: (1) 121-128.

Vass, G. (with L. Szepes & A. Kotschy).
Updated inorganic and organometallic laboratory course for junior chemistry students: (1) 179-182.

Viossat, V.
Periodic table software for high school (second edition): (3) 401-404.

Wallace, R.G. The chemistry graduate destined for employment but with no experience of it. Does it make sense?: (1) 169-174.

Watts, M.
(with K.S. Taber). Learners' explanations for chemical phenomena: (3) 329-353.

Yates, P.C. Evaluation of different strategies for the effective use of the World Wide Web in the learning and teaching of university level chemistry: (1) 129-133.

Zarotiadou, E. (with G. Tsaparlis). Teaching lower-secondary chemistry with a piagetian constructivist and an ausbelian meaningful-receptive method: A longitudinal comparison: (1) 37-50.

Zoller, U. (with O. de Jong & H.-J. Schmidt).
Quality criteria for research papers on science education: How can they be used to improve manuscripts submitted for publication?: (1) 27-30.

Zoller, U.
Interdisciplinary systemic HOCS development ? The key for meaningful STES oriented chemical education: (2) 189-200.




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