Michael SCHALLIES and Claudia EYSEL
ABSTRACT: The paper is about a research and development project (“Praxisforschung”) devoted to the design, realisation and evaluation of a laboratory for sustainable education. It has been established through a cooperation of a State Academy for Technology Assessment, a Museum for Technology and Labour and a University of Education as an external learning centre for schools. It offers a learning environment that can be adapted to the needs of students grade 1 to 10, devoted to the topic “climate change”. The pedagogic concept is based on self-directed learning of students combined with a tutorial system supported by the University of Education Heidelberg. Single visits of classes and long-term cooperations with schools are possible. Experimental activities in the laboratory are assessed by student questionnaires. All aspects of practical work in the laboratory are highy appreciated by students, irrespective of age or gender. The reason most often given for liking the laboratory was “one had to think and work on one/s own”. The laboratory is an element in a systemic approach to teaching for sustainability. [Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.: 2004, 5, 111-126] CORRESPONDENCE: Michael SCHALLIES, University of Education Heidelberg, Science Technology Society Institute, Im Neuenheimer Feld, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany; fax: +49+6221-477 271; e-mail: schallies@ph-heidelberg.de