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ISSUE OF CERP (MAY 2004): A THEME ISSUE ON Next issue of CERP, which will be published in May 2004, is going to be a theme issue on Chemistry and Environmental Education. The issue will include both invited and independently submitted peer-reviewed contributions of two kinds: research-based and practice-oriented papers. Guest co-editors for the theme issue are: (a) Uri ZOLLER, Professor of Chemistry and Science Education at the University of Haifa Oranim, Faculty of Science and Science Education-Chemistry; (b) Michael SKOULLOS, Professor of Environmental Chemistry, University of Athens, Department of Chemistry.
An English version of the paper by A. Laugier and A. Dumon which appears in this issue in French (L’équation de réaction : Un nœud d’ obstacles difficilement franchissable / The chemical equation: A cluster of problems which are difficult to overcome) is currently in preparation, and expected to be published in a forthcoming issue of CERP (possibly October 2004).
The objective of this new journal (available both in print and electronic forms) is to publish original, fully peer-reviewed articles in a variety of topics and research methods in both science and mathematics education. The journal welcomes articles that: •
address common issues in mathematics and science education and cross-cultural
dimensions; Publisher is Kluwer Academic Publishers, while the journal is sponsored by the National Science Council of Taiwan. Editor-in-chief is Fou-Lai Lin (National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei). The journal has an international editorial board of both science and mathematics educators. The electronic version of the first issue (Volume 1, No. 1, 2003) is available free on the Internet. For more information see: www.kluweronline.nl 7th ECRICE / 3rd ECCE The
7th ECRICE, European Conference on Research in Chemical Education
and the 3rd ECCE, European Conference in Chemical Education
will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 24 to 28 August 2004.
Turkish Chemical Society organizes the 18 ICCE (International
Conference on Chemical Education) in Istanbul at the Hilton Hotel,
Turkey, from 3 to 8 August 2004. •
Accreditation of chemistry and chemical engineering education
of abstracts: 31 March 2004 The
conference will include plenary lectures, keynote speakers, workshops,
oral communications, and poster presentation. The second circular is available on the Web. More information and application form are available on the Internet at the following URLs: http://www.18icce.org/ or http://www.turchemsoc.org/icce/web
The XI IOSTE Symposium, with the theme "Science and Technology Education for a Diverse World – Dilemmas, Needs and Partnerships" will take place from 25-30 July 2004 in the M. Sklodowska-Curie University, Lublin, Poland. For more information see the web site: http://ioste11.umcs.lublin.pl
The 9th DCE/FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (DCE9) "Behaviour of Chemicals in the Environment" will be held in Bordeaux, 29 August - 1 September 2004, in association with the 2nd SFC Meeting on Environmental Chemistry. The Conference is organized by the Division Chemistry and the Environment (DCE) of FECS. A specific session will be dedicated to Education in Environmental Chemistry. The programme will include the following sessions: -
Sampling and Analytical Strategies Plenary lectures in analysis, biogeochemical cycles, and modeling of chemicals into the environment will also be presented. Deadline for submissions of abstracts: 15 April 2004. Contact: P. Garrigues, fax: 33 5 40 00 22 67; e-mail: dce9@lptc.u-bordeaux1.fr For
more information see: http://www.lptc.u-bordeaux.fr/DCE9