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MARIANA PEREIRA The chemistry education community mourns the loss of Mariana Pereira, who died on February 8, 2003, after fighting illness bravely for a long time. Mariana Pereira was born in 1949, and held a Master of Arts in Science Education (1975, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA) and a Ph.D. in Chemistry - Chemical Education (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK). She was professor at the Department of Education of the Science Faculty, University of Lisbon. She dedicated her life to education, first at different high schools in the Lisbon area and later at the University, where she contributed to the establishment of the Department of Education of the Science Faculty in 1983. Member of different Portuguese and international associations, she organised and actively participated in many projects, conferences, and meetings. She was in the Editorial Board, and also served as reviewer for Volume 1 of CERAPIE. She leaves a long list of publications (books, articles in specialised magazines and CDs).
Variety in Chemistry Education is one of the major chemistry education conferences for Higher Education. It provides a lively and informal forum for the exchange of ideas related to the learning of chemistry at degree level. Participants will share in the exchange of good practice and innovation and gain an insight into activities of direct relevance to their own teaching. The conference this year will be held in collaboration with Irish Variety in Chemistry Teaching and will be held at Dublin City University, which is conveniently situated between the Airport and the City. Dublin. Dublin city centre is easily accessible from the DCU campus. Contributions of oral presentations, workshops, posters and demonstrations are invited. Further information can be found at www.rsc.org/lap/confs/confshome.htm or http://www.physsci.ltsn.ac.uk/
The Working Group of the History of Chemistry of the Federation of European Chemical Societies and the Hungarian Chemical Society announce the 4th History of Chemistry Conference entitled "Communications on Chemistry in Europe across borders and across generations" to be held in Budapest from 3 to 7 September 2003. Please find the 1st Circular with the titles of the sessions, deadlines and other details on the Conference website http://www.4hchem2003.mtesz.hu or contact the Hungarian Chemical Society (monika.bondar.mke@mtesz.hu) for a printed 1st Circular and any other information.
Introducing the Chemical Education Research Group The Chemical Education Group (CERG) is a special interest group of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). The RSC is the Learned Society for the chemical sciences and the Professional Body for chemical scientists in the UK with over 46,000 members worldwide. The RSC has strong international links, for example in supporting the Federation of European Chemical Societies (FECS). The RSC is a major publisher and provider of chemical information, supports the teaching of the chemical sciences at all levels, organises hundreds of chemical meetings a year and is a leader in communicating science to the public. The RSC has an active Education Division, and CERG is one of the groups within this Division. CERG is concerned with promoting research at all levels of education and disseminating research findings. The committee meet several times each year to consider activities and initiatives to support and encourage chemical education research. The group has a web-page (http://chemistry.rsc.org/lap/rsccom/dab/educ002.htm) on the RSC web-site. One of the activities of the group is to arrange presentations considering aspects of chemical education research. These meetings are of two types. CERG appoints a CERG lecturer to deliver the CERG lecture each year. This takes place at the Variety in Chemistry Teaching Meeting (organised by the RSC's Tertiary Education Group) and takes the form of a plenary lecture. Papers based on past lecturers may be accessed from the web-site (although see also the Editorial in this issue of Chemical Education: Research and Practice). CERG also organises occasional symposium where researchers can give presentations to interested colleagues, and further details of these presentations can also be accessed via the web-site. For further information about CERG please contact the Secretary of the Group: Dr Anne Doherty, Edge Hill College of HE, Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences, St Helens Road, Ormskirk, Lancs L39 4QP , e-mail: dohertya@edgehill.ac.uk CERG maintains a list of members' research interests, and is keen to explore ways to better support the educational research activities of members. Although based in the UK, we have members in other countries, and several active chemical researchers from outside the UK act as corresponding members to the committee. The committee is always pleased to consider suggestions from members, as well as nominations for potential new committee members. It is intended to publish news of CERG activities in Chemical Education: Research and Practice to keep colleagues informed of the group's activities. CERG is pleased to acknowledge the role that CERAPIE has undertaken in disseminating chemical education research over the past three years, and recognises the strong potential for the journal to act as a means of communicating with members of the group, and the wider chemical education community. Dr.
Keith S. Taber (Chair, CERG)