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'THE CHEMICAL EDUCATOR': A PEER-REVIEWED ELECTRONIC JOURNAL We invite you to visit the Website of an international chemical education journal, The Chemical Educator, at http://link.springer-ny.com/journals/chedr
At this Website you can view the journal information and access over 35 of the manuscripts that have been published since 1996. The Chemical Educator is a peer-reviewed journal serving the needs of chemical education professionals. Its publication on the World Wide Web allows for quick dissemination of material, timely information on current topics, and immediate access to supporting material. It provides a reference to current topics, experiments, and teaching methodology. It is published by Springer-Verlag, New York and is housed on their LINK Website, which features online IP-based service for institutional subscriptions. Individual users do not need assigned logon names or passwords and access is campus-wide. We also offer online-first publication; manuscripts are published immediately (in both pdf and html formats) when final galleys are approved by the author and articles and supporting material are identified by DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers for easy referencing and online retrieval. A NEW E-MAIL DISCUSSION LIST ABOUT LEARNING IN SCIENCE The e-mail group 'learning-science-concepts' is a discussion list for those interested in aspects of learners' scientific conceptions; understanding the learning process; and facilitating learning. The discussion list is a forum for teachers, researchers and others who are interested in aspects of learning in science. Interested parties are invited to join the list, and all are equally welcome to contribute by posting their comments. Suitable postings include observations about learners' conceptions; news of relevant publications; consideration of problematic aspects of learning science; information about teaching materials, curriculum or research projects. Researchers are invited to use the e-group to exchange ideas related to current work - for example, about modelling conceptual structure and conceptual development (e.g. multiple frameworks), or to discuss aspects of the significance and origins of alternative conceptions. One aspiration of the e-group will be to ensure that constructivism in science education continues to be a progressive research programme, through its synthesis with ideas from related fields. You can join the list through the internet, by visiting the web-site: http://www.egroups.co.uk/group/learning-science-concepts You can choose to receive each e-mail message sent to the group separately, or to have them compiled into a daily digest. The list is moderated by Dr. Keith Taber of Homerton College, University of Cambridge, who may be contacted at kst24@cam.ac.uk. AN EDITORIAL BOARD TO BE SET UP FOR CERAPIE An Editorial Board is to be set up for CERAPIE. The Editor, Georgios Tsaparlis, has already invited distinguished science and chemical educators from various countries to be members of the Editorial Board, and almost all of them have kindly accepted. It is expected that the names of the Board Members will be announced in the next issue of CERAPIE. NEW BOOK Improving science education - The contribution of research R.
Millar, J. Leach and J. Osborne (eds.) This book takes stock of where we are in science education research, and considers where we ought now to be going. It explores how and whether the research effort in science education has contributed to improvements in the practice of teaching science and the science curriculum. It contains contributions from an international group of science educators. Each chapter explores a specific area of research in science education, considering why this research is worth doing, and its potential for development. Together they look candidly at important general issues such as the impact of research on classroom practice and the development of science education as a progressive field of research. The book was produced in celebration of the work of the late Rosalind Driver. All the principal contributors to the book had professional links with her, and the three sections of the book focus on issues that were of central importance in her work: research on teaching and learning in science; the role of science within the school curriculum and the nature of the science education we ought to be providing for young people; and the achievements of, and future agenda for, research in science education. CONTENTS: Acknowledgements - Introduction - PART ONE: Researching teaching and learning science - Why things fall: Evidence and warrants for belief in a college astronomy course - Designing teaching situations in the secondary school - Formative assessment and science education: A model and theorizing - National evaluation for the improvement of science teaching - Learning to teach science in the primary school - Managing science teachers' development - Status as the hallmark of conceptual learning - Analysing discourse in the science classroom - PART TWO: Reviewing the role and purpose of science in the school curriculum - Providing suitable content in the 'science for all' curriculum - Interesting all child in 'science for all' - Making the nature of science explicit - Shifting the paradigm on 'science for all' - Science views about science, and pluralistic science education - Renegotiating the culture of school science - PART THREE: Researching science education - Research programmes and the student science learning literature - Goals, methods and achievements of research in science education - Didactics of science: The forgotten dimension in science education research? - Policy, practice and research: the case of testing and assessment - Notes on contributors - Index. CONTRIBUTORS: Glen Aikenhead, Bjorn Andersson, Hilary Asoko, Beverley Bell, Paul Black, Nancy W. Brickhouse, Zoubeida R. Dagher, Justin Dillon, Richard Duschl, Gaalen Erickson, Peter Fensham, Richard Gunstone, Peter Hewson, William J. Letts IV, Edgar Jenkins, Connie A. Korpan, John Leach, John Lemberger, Piet Lijnse, Robin Millar, Eduardo Mortimer, Stephen Norris, Jonathan Osborne, Phil Scott, Harry L. Shipman, Svein Sjoberg, Andree Tiberghien, Richard White. December 2000 384pp / 0 335 20645 X Paperback £22.50 / 0 335 20646 8 Hardback £65.00 Open University Press, Independent International Publisher, Celtic Court, 22 Ballmoor, Buckingham, Mk18 1xw, United Kingdom; fax: +44 (0)1280 823233; e-mail: enquiries@openup.co.uk; Web: http://www.openup.co.uk INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENT The International Congress Of Chemistry And Environment will take place at Indore in INDIA from 16th Dec. to 18th Dec. 2001. Focal
theme of the Congress will be : "Science and Technology for
Prevention and Management of Environmental Emergencies". For
further information visit the Web site www.chemenviron.com
FROM: Michael R. MATTHEWS, Editor Science & Education Arnold Arons passed away on February 28th, 2001. He received his undergraduate training in engineering and did his doctoral degree in physical chemistry at Harvard University. After graduation he taught physics at Stevens Institute of Technology, then from 1952-1968 at Amherst College. In 1968 he was appointed to the University of Washington where he remained until his retirement and appointment as Professor Emeritus. At the Univesity of Washington he initiated hugely successful programs for elementary and high school teachers. He had a long standing interest in general education, including the enhancement of scientific literacy among non-scientists. His research was directed principally to aspects of teaching, learning and cognitive development. He strongly believed that understanding scientific concepts meant more than the manipulation of mathematical expressions and formulae; and that phenomenological and qualitative thinking, which was directed by the history and philosophy of the subject, contributed to proper understanding of physical concepts. Among his books are Science and ideas (with A.M. Bork, 1964), Development of concepts of physics (Addison-Wesley, 1965); The various language: An inquiry approach to the physical sciences (Oxord University Press, 1977); A guide to introductory physics teaching (John Wiley, 1990). He published numerous articles, among which are: 'Newton and the American political tradition', American Journal of Physics, vol.43 1975; 'Cultivating the capacity for formal reasoning', American Journal of Physics, vol.44 1976; 'Phenomenology and logical reasoning in introductory physics courses', American Journal of Physics, vol.50, 1982; 'achieving wider scientific literacy', Daedalus, Spring, 1983; 'Critical thinking and the baccalaureate curriculum', Liberal Education, vol. 71 1985; 'Historical and philosophical perspectives attainable in introductory physics courses', Educational Philosophy and theory, vol.20 1988; 'Uses of the past: Reflections on united states physics curriculum development, 1955 to 1960', Interchange, vol.24 1992. Since its inception, he had been member of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group. He attended the first conference of the group in Tallahassee in 1989, and subsequent conferences in Kingston and Calgary. He also served on the Editorial Committee of Science & Education. His contribution to physics education, and to the wider project of liberal education, will live on in his published work, and in the work of those who were encouraged by his fine example of scholarship and commitment to enriched education and meaningful learning. Michael
R. MATTHEWS, School of Education, University of New South Wales
Sydney, 2052 Australia; fax: 61-2-9385-1946; e-mail: m.matthews@unsw.edu.au