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Theme Issue on


Scheduled for publication in May 2004



Contributions are invited for a theme peer-reviewed issue on the theme of chemistry and environmental education. The contributions will be of two kinds: (a) research-based; (b) practice-oriented papers, focusing on chemistry/science education-environmental education- environmental chemistry/science relationships, and related (educational) issues in research, curriculum development and implementation, teaching-learning strategies, and assessment methodologies.

Possible focus subjects for contributions might include:

  • conceptual/theoretical frameworks
  • Science-Technology-Environment-Society (STES)-oriented courses in chemical and environmental education
  • the common ground of chemistry and/or chemical education and STES-environmental education
  • the chemistry/environmental chemistry to science/environmental education relationships
  • the role of chemistry in environmental/STES education
  • the relevancy of environmental education in chemical education
  • HOCS in environmental chemistry and STES education
  • science and non-science students in environmental chemistry courses: is there a problem?
  • science/chemistry teachers' training and environmental education
  • the nature (and future?) of integrated/combined STES-oriented courses
  • chemistry and environmental education in the social context.
  • interdisciplinary/integrated environmental chemistry and science/STES education courses/curricula and/or special programs at all levels.

This list is not intended to be exclusive, but rather to suggest the scope of possible contributions. Since the Environment is strongly connected to science, technology, and society, contributions could be related to the STES interfaces too. Papers could refer to one or more of the secondary, high school/college or university levels.

Guest co-editors for the theme issue will be:
(a) Dr. Uri ZOLLER, Professor of Chemistry and Science Education at the University of Haifa - Oranim, Faculty of Science and Science Education-Chemistry;
(b) Michael SKOULLOS, Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry, University of Athens, Department of Chemistry.

Informal approaches about the suitability of possible contributions should be addressed as follows:
(a) for research-based contributions to Prof. Zoller (Faculty of Science & Science Education-Chemistry, Haifa University-Oranim, Kiryat Tivon, 36006 Israel; e-mail: uriz@research.haifa.ac.il);
(b) for practrice-oriented contributions to Prof. Skoullos (University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, Panepistemiopolis Zographou, GR-157 71 Athens, Greece; e-mail: mio-ee-env@ath.forthnet.gr).

Submissions, in the format required by the journal (see GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSIONS) should be sent by post (NOT BY e-mail)* to the appropriate guest co-editor, to arrive by November 30, 2003. Potential contributions will be subject to the journal's usual peer review process. Where revisions are required as a condition of publication, authors will be required to resubmit by March 31, 2004.

* Please remember to submit four (4) print copies of your manuscript, of which three must be prepared for anonymous review.




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